Featured Scent: Indigenous Cinnamon 出雲山玉桂手記

The indigenous cinnamon that is endemic to Taiwan has a mild, sweet cinnamon scent, which in local ethnobotanical uses, can be processed in different ways for medicinal, culinary, and therapeutic purposes. As the leaves and branches contain high levels of cinnamaldehyde, the entire plant can be harvested to extract essential oils and hydrosol.

「土肉桂」 是台灣傳統可食用植物, 味道比起肉桂溫和, 葉子萃取或乾燥是台灣本地食材, 藥性辛溫, 土肉桂全株有「肉桂醛」, 樹皮與枝葉都能夠提煉精油與純露。可以取代肉桂入菜,葉片帶有溫和甜味與濃郁香氣,卻相較肉桂辛辣刺激的口感更加溫和。

The specially-made DongShih 2023 limited edition indigenous cinnamon gift box is made with sustainably cultivated, harvested, and processed indigenous cinnamon essential oil from the DongShih Forest District of Taichung, Taiwan to achieve net zero and local environmental conservation. Sciencely Handmade designs the gift box and handcrafts essential oil blend with the district’s local forestry’s mission and history in mind, transforming this sustainable ideology into a meaningful scented DongShih native forest experience in the gift box for visitors to take home.

林業及自然保育署-臺中分署林區管理處2024 限量版的特製山嵐香氛土肉桂禮盒「出雲山玉桂手記」,以低碳足跡、零砍伐、原生物種、高里山經濟的土肉桂為主角,利用土肉桂葉子提煉在地精油,結合SH設計,調製出人文與自然兼具的東勢轄區專屬的香氣記憶。除了利用嗅覺,將轄區原始林美景帶到收藏者的家中,其中更含有分署多年致力於推廣環境友善共存,透過與社區合作、保存、推廣與行銷,推動里山保育與經濟的心意與成果。