The Scents of Mountains 山嵐香氛 & Native Plant Products

The Scents of Mountains 山嵐香氛

Native Plant Gifts 原生植物禮品

The Scents of Mountains 山嵐香氛

We blended all-natural essential oils into beautiful scents inspired by local nature
Let these Sciencely Handmade scented goods take you on a trip to Taiwan and California.


The Four Seasons of Alishan 阿里山四季

Enjoy the four seasons of Alishan in Taiwan basked in its beautiful nature with
The Scents of Mountains – The Four Seasons of Alishan collection.

In the spring, breathe in the crisp air with mild scents of sunlight in a landscape dotted with native cherry blossoms in the “Pastel Flower Blossoms of Spring”;

“Alishan’s Brilliant Ocean Cloud in Summer” brings a grand view of the clear, endless stretch of clouds between mountain peaks;

Ride the symbolic red Alishan train with “Alishan’s Vivid Maple Forest Path” in maple and needle leaves-laden forest railway and arrive at the highest altitude in Taiwan, Zhushan (Yuafeofeo) Station;

Walk along the historical Mianyue Line in the deep forest, pass by the thousand-year old cypresses, and be surrounded by the “Mysterious Railway Tracks in Wintertime”

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The Mountains of Taiwan 台灣山嵐

Surrender to the uniquely scented nature’s realm with The Scents of Mountains – The Mountains of Taiwan collection.

With the “Scents of Mountains- Taiwan: The Crispness of Yangmingshan”, let yourself be spirited away by the fresh, crisp scent to the mistiness of the famous Yangmingshan that has a youthful, vibrant atmosphere in the spring.

Scent palette: Enjoy the crisp morning air in the peppermint of the top note, and slowly ease into the middle of the day approaches and reveal the glory of the mountain with the lemon middle note, then end the day with the woody calmness on the way down the shaded path with a Chinese cedarwood base note.

大家有來過台北的陽明山嗎? 「台灣 山嵐香氛 系列: 陽明山的清新」用靈氣明亮的香氣,帶你回到四季雲霧繚繞,又可以找到台北菫菜 的陽明山。 「陽明山的清新」香氣調色盤: 以薄荷前調享受清晨的朝露涼感。在山頭撒下第一道曙光時感受清新清爽的檸檬中調,是陽明山有名的 雲海日出,並且在回程以雪松後調香氣度過在林蔭小道的午後時光。


Give in to the hidden gem of the region, let the the woody, serene “Scents Of Mountains- Taiwan: The Tranquility of Basianshan” guide you into the needle-leaved forest with a rich forestry history.

Scent palette: Take in the air as you walk outside and enjoy the springtime air with a eucalyptus top note, and walk in the forest and let the calming sound of fresh soil brings you into a meditative state with a lavender middle note, and sit by the historical remnants in the Chinese cedarwood base note to reflect on the past in the depth of the needle-leaved forest.

用針葉木質調帶出台灣有濃濃歷史氛圍的「台灣 山嵐香氛 系列: 八仙山的沈靜」,一起體驗台中 最神秘的 八仙山 秘境。 「八仙山的沈靜」香氣調色盤: 用尤加利前調捕捉春天森林一早出發時的寧靜氣息,薰衣草中調帶著你踩著新鮮泥土讓自己與充滿神秘的八仙山對話,並在隱藏於針葉林間的歷史遺跡旁,透過雪松後調冥想,與過去交會。


On the steps of the red-leaf trail full of purple maple, the lively top notes of maqaw and ylang ylang accompany you step by step towards the secret oasis of bright colors hidden in Taipingshan. With the fullness of the middle note of geranium, you can appreciate the warm-colored tree shadows and shadows under your feet. The sun-dotted scenery finally leads to the mist-shrouded Taiping Villa, guided by the lichen-like scent of patchouli as a base note.

在充滿紫葉槭的紅葉步道階梯上, 活潑的馬告與伊蘭前調伴隨著你一步一步往太平山隱藏著鮮豔色彩的秘境走,以天竺葵中調的飽滿欣賞腳下的暖色系樹影和陽光點綴的景色,最後在廣藿香後調苔癬氣味的導引下到達霧氣繚繞的太平山莊。

At dawn in the morning, the top note of clove leads you on a forest path walk of fluffy plants and soil and through the mysterious woods. After climbing to the dew-dotted viewing platform, you can immerse yourself in the tranquil dark green coniferous mountains brought by the middle note of juniper. The moment of sunrise light spreads among the peaks of the Central Mountains, the calm cedar base note guides you to deeply experience the preciousness of the dawn and the eternity of nature.



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Summer in California 夏季的加州

Wander into the portal with sunny scents of The Scents of Mountains – Summer in California collection, crafted for you by Sciencely Handmade.

The top note of rose would be your first stop to the Berkeley Hills while admiring different cultivated varieties, seeing prom-goers and newlyweds celebrating summer by taking photos all dressed up as you pass by. The middle note of lemongrass that brings out the grassy UC Botanical Garden is the hidden spot for picnics after traveling around the world in the eyes of plants, and finally ending the day with the base note, a grounding juniper, by driving through the woods and standing on Grizzly Peak, admiring Golden Gate Bridge in the dusk.

Did you know: Berkeley Hills is only 19m away from being a mountain?

SH夏日香氛帶你去Berkeley Hills的玫瑰園! 對當地人來說,結婚、畢業、舞會這些人生大事,特別喜歡到Berkeley Hills留下紀念。這個看似不起眼的山丘,有驚人的 生態多樣性,對當地氣候的影響也很大。山嵐香氛 – 「夏季日落的Berkeley Hills」用玫瑰前調,點出了當地人心目中的地位和鮮明記憶,在玫瑰園拍完照,還能到加州大學植物園中逛逛,找一個幽靜的草皮席地而坐,中調的檸檬香茅正是Berkeley Hills的野餐時光,最後在夕陽西下時,登上Grizzly Peak 用杜松子的後調,在木質與泥土的香氣中,俯瞰金山大橋,送走一天最後一抹灣區的夕陽。

On a spontaneous trip to Mission Peak at sunrise, let hints of sweet lavender calmness take you through the tranquil paths and into the sea of clouds, then walk through the sunlit open fields before midday with the bright and earthy scent of lemongrass that is refreshing, before finally reaching the landmark totem pole of Mission Peak. Mission Peak holds a special place among locals – Through the sighting tubes on the famous totem pole atop, hikers can have a peek of landmarks in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Did you know: there’s a time capsule containing wine and a replica of the Ohlone charmstone at the base of the pole?

Mission Peak是在地人的小秘密,離市區不遠,但卻對熱愛自然的人有特別意義。除了沿路的植物和風景,山頂最有名的地標柱子,是上山必合照的打卡點。你知道嗎? 瞇起眼睛,從嵌在柱子上的管子看出去,你會看到 #舊金山 灣區 經典地標,順便可以計畫一下下次登山行程!有趣的是,在地標底下,埋著一個時空膠囊,裡面有加州紅酒、加州原民Ohlone Tribe的寶石等等代表加州的自然和歷史的信物喔。 SH香氣帶你拜訪Mission Peak,山嵐香氛 –「夏季清晨的Mission Peak」用略帶甜味的薰衣草前調帶你走過凌晨的秘境一般的蜿蜒山路,緊接著呈現在眼前的會是灣區有名的雲海。順著剛撒在山頭的陽光,一望無際的原野混著加州早晨的霧氣,泥土與草的清新,在檸檬香茅的引導下,帶你登上默默守護著灣區群山的Mission Peak。


Botanical Scented Therapeutic Gift Box

In the Herbal Foot Spa Sachet, herbal ingredients are locally harvested and dried from sustainably-maintained fields, meticulously blended using traditional medicinal recipes by a century-old herbal shop in Taiwan. Whether placed in warm foot spa or used as a sleep sachet, users will experience its rejuvenating and stress-relieving properties. All boxes include the Herbal Foot Spa Sachet.

Give in to the hidden gem of the region, let the the woody, serene “Scents Of Mountains- Taiwan: The Tranquility of Basianshan” guide you into the needle-leaved forest with a rich forestry history.

On the steps of the red-leaf trail full of purple maple, the lively top notes of maqaw and ylang ylang accompany you step by step towards the secret oasis of bright colors hidden in Taipingshan. With the fullness of the middle note of geranium, you can appreciate the warm-colored tree shadows and shadows under your feet. The sun-dotted scenery finally leads to the mist-shrouded Taiping Villa, guided by the lichen-like scent of patchouli as a base note.

用針葉木質調帶出台灣有濃濃歷史氛圍的「台灣 山嵐香氛 系列: 八仙山的沈靜」,一起體驗台中 最神秘的 八仙山 秘境。 「八仙山的沈靜」香氣調色盤: 用尤加利前調捕捉春天森林一早出發時的寧靜氣息,薰衣草中調帶著你踩著新鮮泥土讓自己與充滿神秘的八仙山對話,並在隱藏於針葉林間的歷史遺跡旁,透過雪松後調冥想,與過去交會。

– 由此購買 Botanical Scented Therapeutic Gift Box – 

On the steps of the red-leaf trail full of purple maple, the lively top notes of maqaw and ylang ylang accompany you step by step towards the secret oasis of bright colors hidden in Taipingshan. With the fullness of the middle note of geranium, you can appreciate the warm-colored tree shadows and shadows under your feet. The sun-dotted scenery finally leads to the mist-shrouded Taiping Villa, guided by the lichen-like scent of patchouli as a base note.

在充滿紫葉槭的紅葉步道階梯上, 活潑的馬告與伊蘭前調伴隨著你一步一步往太平山隱藏著鮮豔色彩的秘境走,以天竺葵中調的飽滿欣賞腳下的暖色系樹影和陽光點綴的景色,最後在廣藿香後調苔癬氣味的導引下到達霧氣繚繞的太平山莊。

– 由此購買 Botanical Scented Therapeutic Gift Box – 

Alishan is famous for its forestry history. The cool air in winter is mixed with the fragrance of needle leaves forests, the scents of “Five Coniferous Woods” of Taiwan, combined with the spectacular sea of ​​clouds unique to winter, finds the most healing and comforting feeling on the soft carpet of coniferous leaf litter.


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Native Wood Fountain Pen (Pre-Order)
山嵐原生實木香氛筆/鋼筆 (預訂)

Handcrafted from sustainably harvested native wood biowaste from Hualien, Taiwan. Enjoy the smoothness of the material and the scent of nature.

Scientific name: Chamaecyparis formosensis

Taiwan Cypress is one of the “Five Coniferous Woods” selected for its rarity and quality. An aromatic wood native to the 1300-2700m altitude mountainous ranges, it is sustainably utilized from biowaste in Hualien, and carefully hand-crafted into this ballpoint pen.

– 由此預訂 Pre-Order Native Wood Fountain Pen –